HERA is the EU health emergency preparedness and response authority, and they visited the Nordic Pharmaceuticals Forum in Copenhagen to learn more about how the forum works together to strengthen security of supply through joint Nordic tendering procedures, and to hear more about their setup.
Amgros holds the Presidency of the Nordic Pharmaceuticals Forum, and Amgros is providing offices for HERA and has planned the programme together with the other Nordic countries in the Nordic Pharmaceuticals Forum. The programme includes a thorough introduction for HERA about how we in the Nordic countries work together to secure supplies of medicines. Most importantly in joint Nordic tendering procedures.
- I consider HERA’s interest in the joint Nordic approach to tendering procedures and security of supply as a huge acknowledgement of the Nordic Pharmaceuticals Forum and the strong cooperation we’ve built up since 2015. I think it shows that the Nordics are perhaps the most interesting and innovative region for the rest of Europe to look to as inspiration for joint solutions for the supply of medicinal products, said Flemming Sonne, CEO of Amgros.
Iceland, Norway and Denmark were able to announce the first joint Nordic tendering procedure just five years after the Nordic Pharmaceuticals Forum was established. Since then, more procedures have followed. Most recently with joint Nordic environmental criteria.
- It’s important to recognise that it hasn’t been easy to put together the joint tendering procedures. We’re still having to dedicate significant resources to our joint procurement. Today, we have a very effective setup for the joint Nordic tendering procedures, and we’ve also been able to introduce common Nordic environmental criteria. This is something we’re very proud of. We’ve all worked hard together, including through the Nordic Pharmaceuticals Forum, so that now the Nordics are on their way to becoming the most integrated region in Europe within pharmaceuticals, said Tommy Juhl Nielsen, (Divisional Director, Sykehusinkjøp, Norway.
Our well-functioning setup for joint Nordic tendering procedures was rewarded back in 2022. Iceland, Norway and Denmark received an international prize: The European Healthcare Procurement Award. The countries received the prize for their outstanding, important and scalable collaboration on joint Nordic tendering procedures, and for being a role model for other organisations
Increasing difficulties with supply. Increasing expenditure on medicines due to demographic trends, as well as new, and often expensive, treatment options. These were, and still are, the challenges facing the Nordic countries with respect to securing supplies of hospital medicines for our patients. As the countries are also considered as small, and perhaps not always attractive markets, there has been good reason to join forces to create a common, and thereby larger market for an ever more global pharmaceuticals industry.
- Iceland has a very small population and a very small pharmaceutical market. So we saw great potential from the very start when we were able to participate in joint tendering procedures with the other Nordics. And looking at our experience so far, joining the forum has definitely been successful. Because we’ve not only gained better prices. We can also see how the joint tendering procedures have helped to secure supplies of medicines in areas in which it would otherwise have been extremely difficult to attract suppliers to Iceland, said Hulda Harðardóttir, Project Manager at the Procurement Department Landspítali, the National University Hospital of Iceland, said Hulda Harðardóttir, Project Manager at the Procurement Department Landspítali, the National University Hospital of Iceland.
Norway, Iceland and Denmark are planning to announce the next joint Nordic tendering procedure in spring 2024.
The European Commission established HERA (Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority) in September 2021 to prevent, detect and rapidly react to health crises.
Karen Torgny
Senior Specialist- Communication
I’m responsible for overall communication at Amgros, including PR. And I help to ensure that we communicate with the surrounding world in an open and engaging manner.